Male student to Olympia final thanks to goal setting since 7th grade

Set a goal to attend the Road to Olympia program [...]

Let’s join hands for a school without school violence

Many teachers, who are school principals, are very concerned when [...]

Many difficulties at the beginning of the new school year in Lai Chau

Entering the school year 2022-2023, Lai Chau province has spent [...]

National valedictorian of block A 29.55 points: ‘Do your best in whatever you do’

TTO – In the high school graduation exam in 2021, [...]


More than 1,000 PhDs compile new textbooks

Of the 1,574 authors participating in the compilation of new textbooks, about 70% have a doctorate degree or higher. The above information is mentioned in the report of the General Education Textbook Conference, published by the Ministry of Education and [...]



More than 1,000 PhDs compile new textbooks

Of the 1,574 authors participating in the compilation of new textbooks, about 70% have a doctorate degree or higher. The above information is mentioned in the report of the General Education Textbook Conference, published by the Ministry of Education and [...]



More than 1,000 PhDs compile new textbooks

Of the 1,574 authors participating in the compilation of new textbooks, about 70% have a doctorate degree or higher. The above information is mentioned in the report of the General Education Textbook Conference, published by the Ministry of Education and [...]




More than 1,000 PhDs compile new textbooks

Of the 1,574 authors participating in the compilation of new textbooks, about 70% have a doctorate [...]

Teacher Nguyen Ngoc Ky, who wrote letters with his feet, passed away

On the morning of September 28, Outstanding Writer and Teacher Nguyen Ngoc Ky, a teacher who wrote with his feet, passed away at his home after fighting [...]


More than 1,000 PhDs compile new textbooks

Of the 1,574 authors participating in the compilation of new textbooks, about 70% have a doctorate [...]

Teacher Nguyen Ngoc Ky, who wrote letters with his feet, passed away

On the morning of September 28, Outstanding Writer and Teacher Nguyen Ngoc Ky, a teacher who wrote with his feet, passed away at his home after fighting [...]


More than 1,000 PhDs compile new textbooks

Of the 1,574 authors participating in the compilation of new textbooks, about 70% have a doctorate [...]

Teacher Nguyen Ngoc Ky, who wrote letters with his feet, passed away

On the morning of September 28, Outstanding Writer and Teacher Nguyen Ngoc Ky, a teacher who wrote with his feet, passed away at his home after fighting [...]